Our customers are using Bizmomento to solve problems like:
How do I find the best companies to market my business to?
Where is the best place to open my new business/store?
What can be done to support struggling businesses and boost economic activity?
Built using dynamic daily data, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence (AI) smarts, Bizmomento accurately assigns a size, industry, and region to every New Zealand registered company. Each business is then placed into one of 18 segments based on their industry (blue collar scale) and size (FTE count).
Through a daily feed of online and in-store payment data, Bizmomento provides a dynamic view of which industries are experiencing growth or decline in sales and whether this is seen at a national level or regional trend.
Business openings and closings are captured monthly, and are combined with other signals of business stability to create a predictive ‘resilience’ score for all industries. This forecast provides the confidence to invest, expand, and spot new opportunities before your competitors do.
Bizmomento is even more powerful when our clients have combined it with their own data. DOT can provide the dataset, as well as help integrate Bizmomento into your business.